Claudia Steer

Case Study: Interior Design Maven


Claudia, a talented an interior designer, sought Latrice Monique Consulting to elevate her brand presence. Feeling the need to assert herself more boldly, she decided to refresh her image through a photoshoot.

The Process:

At Latrice Monique Consulting, we believe that a client’s essence should be at the heart of their visual narrative.To ensure Claudia was able to be her most confident self, Latrice took time to understand Claudia’s goals and style preferences. This level of understanding enabled Latrice to curate looks that not only resonated with Claudia’s vision but also accentuated her unique flair as an interior designer. She selected two looks.

The impact of this process was not limited to wardrobe choices; it extended to fostering Claudia’s self-assurance. Latrice was on-set to handle all wardrobe logistics. This enabled Claudia to focus on channeling her confidence.

The Impact:

The result? Photos that serve as a testament to Claudia’s creative prowess and interior design expertise.


Case Study